Emigration Agency
Move to Slovakia
Why you should choose us
  • We went through the whole process of relocation on personal experience.
    From our own experience, we took into account all the moments for a quick, easy, high-quality and safe move for you!
  • Children are the most important in our life
    A group for teenagers created by our children will help your children and make new pleasant acquaintances already in Slovakia!
  • Easy adaptation in Slovakia
    With us it will be much faster and easier! Because we will always be in touch with you even after receiving residence permit cards!
  • We are always in touch
    Even if you are just thinking about moving, you can already sign up for a free consultation with us. And we will answer all your questions.
How we work
Our industry experts will select the most appropriate emigration path for you and draw up a relocation roadmap that will help you avoid unnecessary expenses and mistakes. Also, during the consultation, you can ask any questions about Slovakia and migration to this country. You will receive professional and competent answers from our specialists.
You sign a contract
The beginning of our cooperation with you. It is important to us that you feel legally protected. By signing the contract, you are one step closer to moving to Slovakia. Our contract spells out the entire process, from filing to the consulate, ending with obtaining a residence permit card.
Document preparation
According to the chosen type of residence permit, we start preparing documents. We prescribe a detailed roadmap individually for you with deadlines. Together with you, we prepare the necessary documents for a D visa. We are waiting for you in Slovakia!
Meeting in Slovakia
We meet you in Slovakia! We will find you an apartment to stay in advance. We arrange insurance. We accompany you to the police to apply for a residence permit. You get a NEW QUALITY OF LIFE - a residence permit in Slovakia!
Get a free consultation
Write the number linked to What'sApp or Telegram and we will contact you to clarify the details and schedule a consultation
Your contact details are secure and will not be shared with third parties.
Our services
We will help you with a quick adaptation in Slovakia!
Residence permit based on business
Business immigration to Slovakia is one of the most common ways to obtain a residence permit. You can move on the basis of an individual entrepreneur (entrepreneurship) or open an LLC (SRO).

For whom:
  • This option is the most optimal, suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. Even if you are not a businessman or an entrepreneur, this option is also suitable for you. After all, business in Europe opens up not only a residence permit and accommodation, but also new expanded horizons throughout the European Union and the opportunity to earn in euros!
  • Residence permit with the possibility of renewal
  • Open any kind of activity
  • Inexpensive starting a business, as well as its maintenance in the future
  • Opportunity to work throughout the EU
  • Earn in Euro
  • Hire employees
  • Get loans, mortgages, invest in Europe
  • Possibility of family reunion
  • State insurance
Sign up
Family reunification
Slovakia is one of the few countries that gives a residence permit not only to a foreign entrepreneur, but also to immediately transport his family. Moving to a new country at the same time with the whole family (together with a guarantor) is a huge advantage for you and your family. For many of our clients, this moment was the most important!

For whom:
Minor children

  • Moving with your family
  • Obtaining a residence permit with further renewal
  • For children, state insurance
  • Free education in Slovak schools
  • Opportunity for spouse to work
  • Travel with family around the world
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Residence permit for students
Admission to a university in Slovakia is also popular for obtaining a residence permit, and given that higher education in Slovakia is free of charge, students are willing to use this basis.

For whom:
For those who want to get a European education
Who wants to travel around Europe and wants to stay in the country
For those who want to learn languages and develop
For those who like to get new acquaintances

  • Free education in Slovakia
  • Opportunity to learn at any age
  • Possibility to renew residence permit
  • Getting student benefits, scholarships
  • Opportunity to work
  • When applying for a permanent job, you can switch to another type of residence permit
Sign up
Residence permit for work
In Slovakia, they are happy to hire a strong specialist, they need engineers, they appreciate programmers, teachers, meteorologists, doctors, economists, marketers, designers and so on. Therefore, if you are a specialist in your field, you will always find yourself in Slovakia.

For whom:
For those who plan to move to live in Slovakia and work for hire

  • The possibility of a stable income
  • Opportunity for career growth
  • Short term for obtaining a residence permit
  • Possibility of family reunion
  • State insurance
  • Obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia
Sign up
Additional services
Customs clearance of a car
Rental Property
Changing car numbers to Slovak ones
Replacing a driver's license with an EU one
Provision of a legal address
Language school
Buying/Selling real estate
Residence permit renewal
If you haven't found a suitable program here, please contact us - we will find an option just for you!
The main advantages of obtaining a residence permit in Slovakia, in contrast to other European countries
The number of people wishing to move to Slovakia is growing every day

We conducted a small survey among our clients: “Why did they choose Slovakia for relocation, and not other EU countries?” . We suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular:
  • The opportunity to immediately reunite with the family.
    Obtaining residence permit cards for a family according to a simplified scheme.
  • Slovakia is one of the few countries that issues a residence permit.
    One of the open doors to Europe.
  • Possibility to permanently reside in a European country during the entire period of validity of the residence permit card
  • Relatively low cost of moving services.
    Unlike other European countries.
  • Opening of borders.
    Having received a residence permit in Slovakia, an immigrant can freely move between EU countries. This does not require visas and other permits.
  • Opportunity to do business in the European market.
    A residence permit in Slovakia allows an entrepreneur to work without restrictions not only on the Slovak market, but also freely cooperate with EU countries. Favorable ground for doing business is created due to the lack of bureaucracy and relatively mild laws.
  • Free European education for children.
    Children who moved to Slovakia under the family reunification program can apply for education in Slovak schools, gymnasiums, universities.
  • A residence permit allows you to visit your home country at any time and stay there for a while. Requirement of mandatory residence in Slovakia with a residence permit for at least 183 days a year. The possibility of obtaining a loan for doing business or buying property.
  • Loyal attitude towards immigrants.
    The country needs qualified specialists from a number of areas, which is why immigrants can apply for prestigious, well-paid jobs.
  • The possibility of obtaining social guarantees and quality medical care.
    And most importantly: The opportunity to extend the residence permit, as well as in the future the opportunity to obtain permanent residence and citizenship in Slovakia.

And of course, we will not get tired of talking about excellent ecology, beautiful nature, safety, great love for children, respect for every person and much, much surprisingly new you will live by moving to cozy Slovakia.

Complete the survey and get a bonus in the form of a relocation roadmap
(FAQ) Frequently asked questions
Phone: +421 948 210 456
Zámocká 32 Bratislava 81101
Mon-Fri— 8:00-22:00
Sat-Sun — 9:00-21:00